Monday, 29 July 2013

How to Grow long Eyelashes Naturally

Long, beautiful eyelashes can make your eyes stand out . However, wearing too much mascara can give you the dreaded tarantula look.
      It is best to work on making your own lashes long, full and thick so that  your eyes are noticed with or without make-up. There several inexpensive methods for enhancing eyelash growth. The methods are quick and simple and it's likely you have all you need in your kitchen or medicine cabinet.

  • Apply olive oil or castor oil to your eyelashes before bed time .
  • Use a clean mascara brush to apply the oil as if it were mascara .
  • Rub the oil between your fingers and thumb to apply if you don't have a mascara brush .
  • Remove the oil in the morning with a mild soap and rinse with water . 
  • Wash off any mascara or eye liner .
  • Use petroleum jelly on your eyelashes .
  • Use a clean mascara brush to apply or use the fingers .
  • Leave petroleum jelly on overnight and wash in the morning .
  • Mix glycerin or egg white with castor oil , this will strengthen and lengthen your lashes .
  • Use in small amount, such as two drops from an eye dropper mixed into 1/2 teaspoon of oil .
  • Use to coat your mascara brush or fingers couple of times.
  • Let air get to your lashes.
  • Use mascara and eye liners less frequently ; this is one of the effective eyelashes care techniques.
  • When you wear make-up on your eyes, minimize the time .
  • Wash it off as soon as you get home .
  • Cure the dandruff on your hair .
  • Conditions that leads to dandruff have a bad effect on your eyelashes too .
  • Manage your stress and avoid unhealthy eating habits, both can trigger dandruff and weaken hair health .
  • Eat nutritious and adequately balanced meal .

Things you need

Olive / castor oil 

Clean mascara brush

Petroleum jelly

Egg white


Balanced diet / healthy living

Maintaining Good Eyesight

Don't take your eye health for granted. Protect your eyesight with these tips :

Eat for good vision - the eyesight can be protected with the type of food on your plate. Studies have it that Omega 3- fatty acids, Lutein, Zinc and Vit. C and E may help to ward off age related vision problem like ; Mascular Degeneration and Cataracts.

Quit smoking - smoking makes it more likely to get Cataracts, Optic nerve damage, and Mascular degeneration.

Wear sunglasses - the right kind of glasses will help protect your eyes from the sun's ultra violent (UV) rays. Choose sunglasses that block 99% - 100% of both UVA and UVB rays. Wrap around lenses help protect eyes from the side while polarized lenses reduce glare .

Look away from the computer - starting a computer screen can cause eye strain, blurry vision, difficulty focusing at a distance, dry eyes, headaches, weak back and shoulder pain.

  • Make sure your glasses or contact lens prescription is up-to-date and adequate for computer use.  
  • Position your computer, so that your eyes are level with the top of the monitor.
  • Avoid glare at your computer from windows and light.
  • Use anti-glare screen if possible.
  • If your eyes are dry, blink more.
  • Every 20minutes, rest the eyes  by looking down 20feet away for 20seconds.
  • At least every 2hours, get up and take a 15minutes break.

                      ... stay healthy ...